Originally Posted by hooziewhatsit
Originally Posted by ChryCoGuy
Originally Posted by Pacnorthcuda
Originally Posted by 4263rdGen
Virus has just been isolated, a step in the direction of a vaccine


OMG.......did you read that before posting? You can’t be serious. LOL!!!

What part of:
The isolated virus will help researchers in Canada and across the world develop better diagnostic testing, treatments and vaccines, and gain a better understanding of SARS-CoV-2 biology, evolution and clinical shedding.

do you not understand? shruggy

If you really don't understand the value of isolating the virus, that's surprising to me, but it would explain a lot.

I guess I'm confused. We have tests for it, and we've genetically sequenced it. Is that different from isolating it?

Fascinating article -> https://bedford.io/blog/ncov-cryptic-transmission/

Well, from my understanding, the virus has been isolated a few times before, but it is continually mutating. Each isolation allows them to track how it is mutating and how much time it took to mutate. This apparently gives critical data to the scientists that they can use for future testing and hopefully in developing a vaccine.

I'm not a microbiologist, so the above is what I've gathered, in layman's terms, from reading about it.