Originally Posted by CMcAllister
If the people moving from blue states to places like Texas, Florida, South Carolina, Arizona, are moving for the right reasons, that's all good. The problem is, most often they bring the same stupid mentality that ruined the place they moved from. (RIP Virginia)

Here's a memo - if you are coming to Pennsylvania to leave the NY, NJ, MD insanity behind and enjoy freedom, fine. If not, then just stay out. Having Harrisburg, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia are bad enough.

The metropolitan areas of this country will be it's undoing. Here in Illinois, 90% of the land area is red. Only small areas in and around shitcago and the St. Louis metro east area are blue. But those areas have a lot of votes, money, and power. They use that to run over the rest of the state. In a side irony, 52% of Illinois residents identify as conservative. But the Democrats that have had control of the state for 25 years, have gerimandered themselves into power despite being a minority. Downstaters despise shitcago and feel it (or us) should be the 51st state of the union. They seem to have a need to inflict their socialist ideals on the rest of us. realmad

Master, again and still