Originally Posted by ThermoQuad
Support your last 3 mopar magazines instead of whining about how you don't like _________

Here is the full list of the 19 publications ending their print run.

4-Wheel & Off-Road
Car Craft
Chevy High Performance
Classic Trucks 
Diesel Power
Hot Rod Deluxe 
Mopar Muscle
Muscle Car Review
Muscle Mustangs & Fast Fords
Mustang Monthly
Street Rodder
Super Chevy 
Super Street
Truck Trend 

Story here

i don't see any real loss there. couldn't care less if the last of the "mopar" magazines go either. all a waste of money anymore. can get any information they have in them on the internet a lot faster then searching through old magazines. they are mostly new product advertising magazines anymore. can read about that social media all over the place. as far as the features go.. all the same stuff. too many run the same high dollar vehicle... again the cars appear on the internet before they do in the magazines.... can't remember the last time i bought a car magazine... i only feel sorry for those that will be put out of work. hopefully they can be kept on in the internet version version...


It's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.
