Thanks guys, you hit all the other things I tried that were not in the original post.

I am using a dakota/magnum starter (its fast) and my cranking tests are with all the plugs out 3rd hit, i only gain another 5 pounds MAYBE on 4th and 5th hit, multiple gauges. (like you guys I try to verify every measurement with 2 devices or procedures to be sure)

I did verify 0 on the dampener both times with the tab on the timing cover, I did hit 102 and was actually driving everyone in the garage nuts by verifying tdc and .005 before and .005 after on #1 intake valve, repeatedly as I was hoping I simply messed up and could find a smoking gun.

I set initial lash at break in to .019 cold, verified with an indicator so I wasn't relying on just "feel" as some guys are comfortable doing (this is a flat tappet btw with harland sharp roller arms)

after break in I went back and verified they were at .022 +/-.001 hot like howard specs ask for, after much other messing about with the other ignition components I tried (along with reversing the magnetic pick up wires on both distributers, i heard that can drive a guy crazy) I went back and loosened them up 1/4 turn on the adjusters just to see what I would gain, and didn't gain squat except alot more chatter under the covers. I put it back to .022 and started playing with the carb and I'm getting nowhere. the looser valve adjustment gave me at least .050 in lash and I didn't gain any vacuum or cranking psi.

NOW , one thing I haven't attacked very seriously is the under manifold vacuum leak possibility.. I ran a propane wand under the intake on top of the tin to the point I had propane laying on the tin and it didn't care, no stumble no rev, BUT its not out of the possibility that I have one under the tin. The heads have been cut a few times now and I cant promise it sits perfect. I use paper under the tin and over the tin, I know this manifold was cut prior to my ownership as it fits MUCH better than the out of the box M1 I also have , that is near impossible to get the bolts in.any ideas other than punching a hole in the tin for the propane and to check under the tin? This also is hard to justify with suity plugs.

I know these pistons are old tech, I wish I would have done more measuring before I tore it apart, the old cam had over .600 lift using the math of over the lobe -base circle times 1.5 I still have the cam out in the scrap can I think if anyone wants to try to run numbers on it. The gaskets I took off were also standard felpro multi layer composites that mic at .043 I believe, the heads were re cut this round .005 just for a fresh surface. (.050 gaskets on it now)

So thank you all for assuring me I tried what I should have.. need new ideas. I wont get time to play with it much until saturday.