Originally Posted by Crazy68Dart
I'm not sure how much mechanical advance this distributor will give me? But, it sounds like I should open the slots the whole way (to give me full mechanical advance) and I'll bring my initial back to not overshoot all of the mechanical being added. At the moment I closed the slots down some to stop the mechanical advance at 20 degrees since my current initial is 18, for 38 total.

I'll have to see what springs I have. I don't recall having more than came with the distributor, but I'll look. If not, I'll pick up a spring kit.
editLOL. I see you were ahead of me while typing! laugh2
I found your other thread. You wrote it was the secondary spring was purple. That's certainly OK to start with. I wouldn't rush out to buy the kit. They've gotten pricey last I checked.

There is a silver secondary spring that may have a slightly higher rate. I say may because I have two different measurements for purple springs. shruggy

Assuming the YH advance your Accel is the same as all the others, the total advance possible is at probably 28*, maybe 30*.
In the kits with extra springs are keys to assist in setting the advance. They're plastic spacers of different thickness. You might be able to make your own and they'd be just as accurate. I've seen the thickness measurements posted on the interweb, but if we can't find, I'll measure the set I have.

My guess from eyeballing the photo above is there is 20 - 24* degrees advance where you have it set. I know you measured 20* advance from 950 rpm to around 2400 rpm. But could there be a few degrees more below 950 rpm? In other words if you slowed the engine, does the timing stay steady or go down?

Last edited by Mattax; 03/10/19 10:08 AM.