



If the cars are numbers matching, I would resist the urge to race. Everything CAN be fixed, yes, but a rod out the side of the numbers block

Another consideration might be your insurance. I don't know what kind of coverage you have but I think my policy said coverage is void if racing, organized or otherwise.

this is the smartest answer i have seen yet.if its non-matching #'s i say go for it.

what samatter , you SCARED boy ???

Of course the policy doesn't cover drag racing , even the policy on your DAILY DRIVER does not cover you if you are drag racing , REAL MEN aren't AFRAID .

So........ if you owned a car that was worth more than TWICE you annual income, and you knew your insurance company wouldn't pay a cent on the car if you smacked the wall and rolled it at the drag strip, you would go ahead and do it? If the honest answer is yes......... your nads are much bigger than mine. I'll try to say this as nicely as I can without sounding like a jerk, the E-Body owners have more to loose in a worst case senerio with their cars than the Duster or Dart folks. I AM NOT saying that with my nose in the air, it's just the way the marketplace has gone. To me, if I had a car that I really wanted to race but it was too valuable to justify racing it, I would put a different (non-numbers) motor in it and go for it. Or better yet, buy a different car to race.

That wasn't directed at you , but my other quote may have been ...

You bought the car for the WRONG reason .

And to answer your question , no I wouldn't be racing a car that was worth twice my annual salary. Why because I wouldn't buy one that was that valuable to begin with because I would not be able to ENJOY owning a car like that .