Dave Hughes (dick) told me in person at the nats in Indy when building an engine it’s cheaper to go fast the first time,this is true in so many areas of life.
I can’t even TIG weld yet but when I can my Lincoln 200 is sitting there ready to not only go but go beyond my abilities so that I can get better and not have to buy another machine.
The blue cart was built for my Miller 130,it now also has a Lincoln 210 MIG on the bottom shelf,not much I cannot do with those two carts.

Originally Posted By John_Kunkel
I've often thought that a lot of folks buy machines that exceed the user's capabilities...IOW, a fancy machine with all the dials and do-dads is wasted on a less-than-talented user (like me) so the OP needs to match his skill with the machine.

Yeah, skills can improve over time but, again, takes lots of practice and many users (like me) just don't weld that much.


who is that guy?