Originally Posted By SportF
Ron didn't have a leak at one end or the other, he had a bad master cylinder as I read it. As such, still had brakes.

Hey, I could be wrong, just gotta prove it.

Actually the leak I had proves the valve has nothing to do with and I still having half the brakes working. I don't know why some cant understand that my leak was at the M/C rear resivoir which means no valve in any position stopped the fluid from leaking out because it all leaked on that's side of the system. Yet I still had brakes with a partial pedal and half the system and no valve in my system other then a prop valve in the rear line.

The point I am making is they are separate systems not hydraulicly tied together. They have fluid on different sides of the same pistons but not the same fluid since one can leak all its fluid and the other side can still work which it will. Which is why they went to the dual system in the first place. The fluid on either sides of the pistons are separated by the piston seals. The safety valve just warns the driver by turning on the light on the dash. The prop valve just keeps the rear brakes from locking on hard braking and the metering valve keeps the front disc brakes from applying until the rear brakes overcome their spring pressure. The combination valve just puts some or all of these in one valve on cars that need them.

I am not trying to upset anyone but it seems we all think and believe what we like and I can understand that. I said my piece and hope I did not make any body to ticked off as that's not the point of this. No sense in this going on anymore as we have all made our points. Ron

Last edited by 383man; 09/11/18 11:12 PM.