Originally Posted By Supercuda
Will the stock style booster/master combo work with 4wheel discs ?

Booster maybe, MC. not without mods

Is there an adjustment on the rear to reduce drag?

Yeah, remove the residual pressure valve out of the front port of the master cylinder.

Using metering block Inline tube recommended for 4wheel disc

I hope it is nothing but a distribution block, all disc setups do not use metering.

Using manual valve inline recommended to set bias to rear

What does that statement mean? Are you talking about a proportioning valve? And it's adjusted how?

Yes, it's just a distribution block. What I was told is that there will be no way to create bias in the system so the guy at Inline Tube told me I need this adjustable valve (look in picture at valve with knob) to set bias by adjusting with this valve.

what a mess.

And is there a difference in a manual a power brake pedal?? the car had a manual MC on it when I got it

it looked like this
