He must of pooched it on launch as actually they were harder to beat with our older stuff in the 1/8 then the 1/4.

His time you posted was about .5 off most any decent run.

I bought my first 86 after a friend who worked at the buick prep shop would come by and we would beat on the new 85-s that were ok. He came by with a new 86 and told me to get my 340 cuda out and it ran semi well and even from a 40-50 roll the gn would spin and hook, so I went and bought one.

My 86 5.0 lx would run close but after a ford motorsport lower gear t5 and 3:70 rear gears id run dead even with the gn-s.

Of course the weekend 12 second cars that were the norm then would get the gn-s but really they were few of them and alot of clapped out late 60-s early 70-s muscle cars and alot of mis matched cam/gears/vert cars and the buicks would take big advantage of that, as would the 5 speed stangs and 5 speed 85/86 vettes.

We would at times put over 200 miles a night just out playing, cruising,racing in a group of about 50 of us hanging out in the jiffy lube parking lots.

My car payments were 3x my house payments in the mid 80-s. But it was fun.

Originally Posted By Rhinodart
I remember the last time I raced my 69 383 GTS I had the GN out of the hole by a bunch, then in the traps I heard this "wooshing" noise and that black streak flying by me. I ran a 14.91 and he a 13.96. Made up a whole second in the traps! eek