hi moper...

yeah, I forgot to mention that: I did send that converter back to Dynamic last time! It did cost me 300$ to send that, let inspect it (the cut it open) and send it back to me!!! They told me everything is fine, cleaned it and welded it again.
But I thought maybe that converter created that mess, because nobody could tell me why that snap ring felt off and why the pan was full of this black varnish. (the bands and clutches where fine, just the case was shot because the outputshaft pushed against the sprag and that sanded off the case where the sprag is, but this where aluminum pieces in the oil, NOT black varnish like I had everywhere!)
I also flushed my radiator and cooler lines with carb cleaner till just clean cleaner came out!
[Edited by Moparts - Keep it clean], everything was just fine... and now after 50 miles that thing felt apart again!

By the way, last year before the 727 broke down the oil was around 170F max. But on that day it broke down it went up to 190-200F in the pan, probably from the outputshaft rubbing on the sprag! After that it was toast!
I didn't install the new oil cooler it on this transmission yet because I was looking for fittings, BUT the oil NEVER got hotter than 150F in the deep oil pan from B&M! Our summer suxx, it's just all the time 60-70F max! So everything was keeping very cool and I thought I will install it this week before the weather gets hot.

By the way, last week, when the R didn't work the oil was cold! Today I drove 3miles and the oil was also cold when I lost first R and then all forward gears and it started to have this big slippage!

I just removed the oil pan and valve body, the oil is again full of black varnish and seems pretty dark to me. I will compair it on a white towel (how I was told) with the new oil.
The 2 bands look to have material as far as I can see from outside. Also the front cluth retainer and reverse drum don't seem to be discolored!
The builder just told me that it sounds like that trans got to hot! But [Edited by Moparts - Keep it clean], it never got over 150F and I just did cruise 50miles with it! The kickdown (lokar) cable is hooked up right and it didn't shift back nice at WOT.

Can that converter be the reason of my last 2 trans failures?! Can that converter create so much heat to destroy the oil on the way to the radiator, but the radiator cools it down fast enough so that I just got regular operating temperatures in the pan???

I just am so [Edited by Moparts - Keep it clean] frustrated! I got now money for new parts and the season just started... the last 4 years I drove that car 1-2 months, then the engine or 3 times the trans broke down

moposcar - you mean the band adjustment... that trans was build and dynoed and everything was checked before it was delivered to me. I will check the band adjustment but I don't think it's such a simple problem... but you never know, I will surely check that!