Coke there are no dumb questions. the reluctor is the same for SB/BB & that is why there are 2 roll pin locations & yes it (Rotor Phasing) is the SB roll pin location but in some cases it needs to be there on a BB for better RP. For a quick check line up the magnet with a tooth & install the rotor & make a mark on the top perimeter metal rim of the dist housing to show the rotor tip clocking location at that point then install the cap & see if the bulge of the cap terminal is close to (vertical/above) your mark, how close they are to each other. when cranking, the coil positive primary terminal and the blue/yellow ECU terminal both need to be fed at that point in time. In addition, a functioning (OE) five pin ECU the red/green terminal needs to be hot. More details: recent problem? what changes? what setup?

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth