It may sound backwards, but I suggest choosing your EFI first, even if you don't buy it yet. But given the relative cost I see a real advantage to slipping the carb altogether and moving straight into a throttle body type EFI.

So, if you choose to go carburetion for a while, you should know that there are several approaches to ignition built into the EFI units. I think it is important to choose one that can control the ignition curve. It's much easier to input data than it is to change weights and springs. At least one setup has a built in coil driver. I believe that makes an ignition box unnecessary.

Anyway, it is possible to buy stuff that is usable with both carb and EFI, and it is also possible to buy a system that is not very compatible with the EFI. That's why I suggest choosing the EFI first even if you're going to IMHO waste money on a carb.
