I always clock the seals at 90* in any motor I do. A seal is self centering and aligning. You care if the SEAL is straight, not the retainer. I also NEVER glue a seal in the block, cap or retainer.

Covered it before, but this is how I install a seal. I put lower half in block, then I lay the crank in the bearings. Put other half of seal on and rotate 90*. You can easily see if ends are aligned and you know it's aligned on bottom, because where else can it be? Now just sit retainer on seal and make sure it's bottomed. You can "feel" and see it when everything is aligned right. Now take a light and look in the bolt holes of retainer. If the holes are not PERFECTLY aligned with block, when you put bolts in and tighten retainer, you can bet it WILL leak because the bolts pull the retainer and the seal leaks. So what do you do if holes are NOT lined up perfect? Simple, you drill them out until the bolts go in and tighten without influencing retainer in any direction other than down. Obviously this is only a problem on motors with a seperate retainer, as others are in the cap. Everyone worries about the retainer. It doesn't matter, the SEAL is what matters. If you make the retainer tighten down and not "pull" the seal out of alignment, your rear seal leaks will be a thing of the past.

Fancy billet retainers are not needed, plus there is no guarantee their holes will be aligned perfectly on YOUR block either.

Last edited by Monte_Smith; 12/20/16 04:58 AM.