Anyone do any flow testing on 273/318 heads? I picked up some "920" 273 heads for a Stock Eliminator project at a swap meet. I've ordered an assortment of valves to flow test the different shapes to see what works the best.

Some I got from Rock Auto, OEM replacement stuff, some Manley BBM 1.81" exhaust valves that I will cut down to the stock 1.78" size, also Milodon and MP valves in the same size. Ferrea had some 6000 series valves for the 318 sizes. I even found some GM valves with the 3/8" stems and 1.50" for the exhaust. I bought one each of the valves and so far I spent more money on the valves than I did on the heads.

I thought I'd see if anyone found a good valve in case I missed one. I can't go to the smaller stems (11/32", 5/16") in stock.

Floyd Lippencott IV