never use the alt to charge a depleted battery (use a regular battery charger).

While I tend to agree without supporting evidence, fact is that likely 99 percent of those of us who ever had their car jump started are guilty as charged.

As noted just yesterday in a posting in response to a thread on this forum, I did exactly this. Battery on my Challenger was almost completely discharged(11.3) volts, jumped with a lithium battery pack, drove off once car was started with the amp gauge pegged for the 1st 15 miles as the gauge slowly returned to the center.

Yes admittedly this fear was at the top of my mind as I silently urged the amp gauge needle to hurry up and find its way to its natural home.

Checked battery when arriving back home, meter showed 12.9 bolts. Today I will be analyzing to find why the fairly new battery self discharged as the car set for 3 plus weeks with the only draw being the tick tick dash clock.