Just ask yourself a few simple questions,how many pattern designers, mold makers and foundrys are commited to building mopar blocks that have a retail demand of less than a 1000 units per year and even less in a 5 year projection.Many attempts by suppliers to aquire blocks are at the mercy of the foundrys for the raw castings and producers that have the programs and machine capabilities to produce the finished product.Many attempts of retail suppliers to get these blocks in their hands have resulted in some less than quality pieces.
We have talked with some noted people that have claimed they can provide quality finished blocks at reasonable pricing and in a reasonabale time frame.We were looking to purchase a minimum of 6 blocks.This effort has be unfulfilled for more than 3 years and waiting with one story and excuse after another.
We have been and still deal with Indy for aluminium blocks and have gone from a 2 to 3 week delivery to 8 to 10 weeks but at least we get them.We are still waiting for calls from the others.Good luck.