Originally Posted By Spaceman Spiff
Originally Posted By cudaman1969
Originally Posted By JeffMsRR
Originally Posted By cudaman1969

That reply shows you don't know jack. Be in a business for 45 years where you make a new product almost every week, then get back to me. Its like talking to 16 year old dropouts.

Are those products made for a narrow market like Mopar blocks?
I would be surprised if Mopar parts make up 10% of the performance market.
All businesses/manufacturers have to make new products & if there's no R.O.I. that product is dropped.
Let me say this first, I'm not posting to hurt anyone's feeling, just trying to pass on what I've learned over the years. ALL R&D is done before the first product is made whether it be cupcakes or space shuttles, no mater what the market is. There should be only two problems after the blocks where cast. 1- shoddy casting, In which case find someone better. 2- bad machining, find someone better. If you have to change something, R&D wasn't done properly to start with. Things fail because people get in over there head and did not think it through , know your limitations.
If you can't make a dime, don't start it, that's part of R&D.

Right. Because no product in history has ever been recalled over bad R&D.

So, that makes it all right, normal procedure now. Plenty where not recalled because it was done right to start with. If I made a block there would be no grand announcements until it was done.