My car never had an original booster. It was non-power drum brakes. The kit rod goes straight from the pedal to the rod coming out the back of the new booster.

I did the vacuum check with the car running in park and in gear.
17-14" in park. Drops to 7-5" in gear. Guess its safe to say we found the problem. Now, I guess I need a Electric Vacuum Pump Kit. Think I'm going to get this one.

I guess I've been under the faulty assumption that low vacuum would make the brakes hard not soft.

Thanks all for the help and more importantly the new knowledge about this stuff.

Oh, here's the car nearing the end of a 100% complete rotisserie restoration.

Charger 0862.JPG

Common sense and caution are factors which cannot be built into any product. These must be supplied by the operator.