John im just trying to tell you the facts ! I dont know were you find your numbers to compare and witch carbs of BG six shooter you find numbers on becas he made some for Chevy sb that maybe is smaler i dont know but i flow tested the so caled 500cfm Holley stock outboard carb and compared that to the flow test i made on the outer BG carb and the BG carb flowed about 4cfm less than the Holley did al in a flow bentch but the center BG carb is as big in the venturi as the outboard BG´s so what im still trying to tell you is that if you put al 3 carb together the BG carbs must flow more on full throttel than the Holley stock set as the center Holley stock carb is smaler than the outer as it is rated at 350cfm. The ones i use were sold only for Mopar engines and sold thru INDY and some other vedors like Jegs i gues.

I have not flow tested the DC carbs so i have no cold hard facts on those but i will some day !

I mean now dissrepect of any kind to you or anybody else im just trying to present the facts i found out in a flow test but you still say that it isent so ! If you still dont beleve me flow test your self !?

This is starting to get realy rediculess so i rest my case here and now.