
Not trying to discount your advice and will keep it in mind.

Not sure you can see it in the pics, but there is no filter media/foam in them, just a secondary screen to keep rocks and tire bits out of the engine. Some tracks we run at have a short ramp up area and there are times when I get pelted with debris from cars in front of me in the burnout box. I have run with and without them and they made no difference whatsoever. Carb spacing is too close together to run anything off the shelf.

The video above was showing one of the passes after I started having trouble with a vacuum leak at a race. Jetted up some to keep going as the rounds were getting short. Made it to the finals that night at close to 2am on a greasy track only to red light at the big show LOL. But thats racing.

My 60' times were way off even before the bog and I believe it was a traction issue.

Looked through my log book and the fastest pass so far was 10.22/138.29 Terrible 60' with a big top end charge. Blew the tires off. So far the quickest pass was a 9.952/137.79 same track but a different race. Both were in St. Louis.

The only thing changed in my combo between those runs and the one in the video was an up size in the jetting because of the vacuum leak. You should have seen the pass before that one where it REALLY bogged! I have it on video somewhere. Will look for it.


PLEASE Pray for our brothers and sisters in harms way.

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