Originally Posted By Mastershake340
I've only seen one or two cars that had state issued VINs and it has been a while since then. IIRC they were attached to the drivers side door jam, not the dash.
That being the case, would it be legal for an owner to put a repro tag with the car's VIN on the dash in the standard location, as long as the state issued VIN tag on the door jam was still left in place? stirthepot

That's the question, now isn't it? I had to get a state issued VIN tag years ago, but it was on a 64 Chrysler so it's not comparable here. But I would be asking the authorities who inspect the VINs about doing this first, wouldn't want to get myself in any legal issues. Not to mention that even if he kept the state issued tag intact, it would still affect resale, or I would think so. Not sure there's an out that wouldn't have a potential bite in it here.

They say there are no such thing as a stupid question.
They say there is always the exception that proves the rule.
Don't be the exception.