Originally Posted By dvw
Even though I use Edelbrocks ultimately the lack of pump shot and secondary opening does seem to slow 60 ft some what.

The AFB on my Duster is exceptionally crisp, its all in the tune.

There is no bogging; you stab it and the car stands up and goes.

Didn't even touch the shooters.

I'll give you a clue though- The number one problem I have noted on some models of the AFB is they mix far to much air with the fuel in the booster emulsion circuit. Restricting the amount of air that is mixed with the fuel in that circuit speeds up how quickly fuel is being pulled out of the booster.

No need for a larger pump shot if the fuel is being drawn out of the booster darn near instantly. You will have to re-jet of course if you are going to take this route as it does change the calibration.

Last edited by gdonovan; 10/29/15 10:04 AM. Reason: TO make point more clear

"I think its got a hemi"