I want to address the issue of the trademark by Nostalgia Super Stock, Inc and the clowns - Rich and Bob who started this mess: My message is for Bob Wilkiewicz- My husband, Gene Suver, met you at Milan and saw you again at other races, he was happy to meet someone that was interested in discussing racing back in the day. Someone that wanted to know more about Dave Duell - Gene was best man for Dave when he and Sharon Duell got married. He raced and traveled with Dave for years . He understood Dave's passion for Nostalgia Super Stock and loved that Doug was right there along side Dave, racing and now carrying on with the Nostalgia Super Stock racing. We were shocked and disappointed to learn that you were behind this trademark fiasco - you, the person that Dave trusted to be the historian and archivist - you would do this to the Nostalgia Super Stock racers and fans. Your intentions weren't honorable or you and Rich wouldn't have kept all of this a secret when you sat across from these racers all summer and never said a word to them about what you have done. Doug Duell, Mike DeChicco, Dave Schultz - all of the Nostalgia Super Stock racers - how? I want to know how you look in the mirror each morning and don't see Dave Duell's reflection - asking you "What the hell are you doing" because I firmly believe if he was still alive you wouldn't have the balls to have tried something like this. When you go to bed at night, that figure that you see standing at the foot of your bed - with his head cocked to the side - just know you won't have a minutes peace until you do the right thing and dissolve this trademark issue. No Racers that truly love the sport should allow this group to be allowed to trademark and generic term like Nostalgia Super Stock any more than any other class of racing. Everyone wants to voice their opinions about gun control - why would you let this bunch tell you how you can race and who dictates the use of the term "Nostalgia Super Stock" - put and end to it now - send them your concerns at For Nostalgia Super StockĀ® Inc. Rich Berlisk, Club President, at 262-538-1489 rberlisk@wi.rr.com Bob Wilkiewicz, Secretary stillrock69@hotmail.com