This is total crap and is unenforceable. The NSS program has been a part of so many different groups for so long, that it's too late for any one entity to legally claim it. Unlike "Mopar", NSS that was not created by one person or company - though if we had to pick a Godfather, it would be Dave Duell. In fact, Dave, Paul Suloff and myself created the first NSS/Max Wedge-only event in 1993. I've been involved in trademark and intellectual property disputes in the past, in fact we're pestered by one right now involving a "Nostalgia Pro Stock" chapter. Similar deal, and what is happening is that the new "trademark owners" are being alienated by EVERYONE. Nobody likes a bully. That's why we all hate lawyers. Ignore these guys and they'll disappear real soon. If not, let them sue us on their dime until they go broke. It wouldn't be the first time...