I said the VERY same thing...........just that it was impractical for a "real world" build, which it is and Ramm agreed. I also said it was good teaching example for Judson and the kids at SAM and respected their ability to draw power from that type platform. Kaase will also get crazy power from a Y block Ford, but we all know guys will not be rushing to duplicate these motors, because they cost a fortune for the results you get. This is a "project" division and we all know it. I didn't disrespect anything. Some of you just want to argue

Plus, I know Judson and most of the guys at SAM personally, knew they were building this and talked to them about it. So I GUARANTEE he wouldn't think I was disrespecting him and really, HE is the only one I would be concerned with what they think regarding this project

Last edited by Monte_Smith; 10/07/15 12:23 AM.