Originally Posted By RAMM
Originally Posted By Monte_Smith
Yep.......Kaase and BES are no names........LOL.........and it seems like they win more than they lose. Oakley Motorsports also has an entry this year. VERY well known in Top Sportsman, Top Dragster and tractor pulling circuits

Why do I need to enter. I don't have an engine shop and have way more important things to do than build some one off type "science project" motor for a competition, that would be of no use to me otherwise. Just because you put a lot of stock in it, doesn't mean everybody should...............but none of that changes what I said. Tell us how "practical" it is to build a 600hp poly headed Mopar, that likely cost them 20K or better to build, if they had to pay for all that stuff. The EFI stack injection alone would be 10k. Being that it is a SAM engine, that is something that Judson can use to teach principles and show what can be done...........but in real life, who else would build that and for what?

Got your blinders on Monte? I said VERY FEW big name builders enter. You mentioned Oakley--not me. You're right BES,Kaase, and SAM do win, that is not in dispute here. I never disputed the practical aspect of anything EMC-EVER. It is a CHALLENGE-just like maybe you approach or regard your nitrous projects-nothing more. SAM's engine likely cost WAY more than what you have stated by a fair margin I would wager. I never said "Everyone on planet Earth HAS to regard the EMC as the greatest event ever" Christ you'd make someone a good wife 'cuz you sure no how to [censored]. J.Rob

p.s. I give up--you're right I am wrong. Please forgive me honey 'er Monty.
Exactly what is it, you have your panties in a wad about? All I said was the motor was very cool, very expensive and very impractical........points you in fact agree with........Then you drug me in, by saying that I should enter the contest with some other guy after HE made a comment. YOU are the one who drug me in this debate.......and I really don't even see what you are disagreeing with me about. Seems you are the one being the "woman" here.......starting the whole thing and just arguing to be arguing