I think about 15-years ago the Mopar electronic conversions may have changed manufacturers as it seems most of the newer kits have had a lot of problems. I had used several old kits from the 1980' through early 1990's and never had a problem.
They are subject to grounding issues, and as mentioned, the primary resistance (Ballast + coil) needs to be about near the same as stock. A low resistance coil or removing the ballast can overheat the output transistor.
There is really nothing special about the Orange control box. Most parts store replacements are just as good, or bad depending on how you look at them? I like the multi-spark CD ignition boxed like the MSD 6AL and Crane HI-6. These will work with any distributor and I have not had any problems with these. I have had Mallory Unilite and Accel all-in one distributors that were decent, but the built-in modules did fail after several years.
I have a friend with the MSD all-in-one dist, and so far no problems (only been a few years), but those are expensive.
I hear good about Pertronix, but never used one or know anyone who has one?
All these units specify an ignition coil to use, so make sure the coil is compatible with the system you are using.