i dont know what the big debate is about the blocks for. Just make it 416" for small blocks and 500" for big blocks.
And who cares what kinda block you have if you have a non oem block you will be giving yourself a weight peanlty.
And probably 99% of the guys on here are just talking anyway. i follow the KOS how many cars??? how about the NMCA etc... All these events have how many mopars that are competive????

Bill May and Andy Mayes and Leon Try to compete but are always a couple steps behind. I would love to see some MOPARS that were capable of competeing but it just never happens. I just remeber Bruce Lagroy, Tim Davis did well who am I missing??????

I just dont want to see you guys make the rules to restrictive and have 10 cars show up and this peter out like the KOS events. Most types of rules for classes always have CU IN limitation not a block limitaion.

I say forget the oem block stuff and just do cubic inches How many guys do you know that have 500" mega blocks with INDY EZ heads in a small tire car on leafs???? And if you do will they show up and race it?????? Or R blocks that are 416" with the smaller heads most guys with this type of block are runnin it in races cars not streeet cars. Well this just my

And my opinion and you know what they say about opinions.........