It's not the fuel that was down, it was the Demon Carb. Dominators usually make better TQ than a big 4150 like a 1000 Demon due to venturi shape being piss poor on a large 4150. As I told the customer, his best bet would be to just get an E85 Dominator done & get rid of the Demon. I never like to use large body 4150s on our SB motors, they never seem to work good, & I definitely don't like using Demons, but he already had the carb & wanted to stay with it.

Howard, that last pull we ran with the air inlet off, so that's why the #'s are funky. We did a pull right before that with the air inlet off (sucking outside air instead of shop air) & power was basically same as using shop air, then we went to 300 a sec on that last pull.