Hey there, I was wondering what you guys were using for seats and steering wheels? Since I'm almost done with my handling mods, I feel like my bus-like steering wheel and super flat buckets with a standard lap belt aren't going to be enough to hold me in or keep me safe. What do you use or what do you recommend? Also note I'm 5'7" tall and wear a size 40-42 pants.

I've been looking at some Grant wheels as they have the adapter for mopar columns. i'm unsure about seat belts, although, it seems it's been asked here quite a bit before.

For seats I've been looking at Corbeau or Procar. I've sit in the Procar Rallye's and the standard Corbeau CR1 and although they seem to hold you in fine, they were a bit too narrow for me to be comfortable for anything longer than 15-30 minutes. I also noticed that Corbeau has an option for wide seats that sit a 40" waist size; however, I'm worried about the positioning of it and whether I'd have to remove my center console or if they'll rub the doors. I'd potentially like something with the two holes in the back just in case I ever want to cage the car and run a 4 (or more) point belt. Visually I have an issue as my current seats have white inserts knitted into them.

Any tips or advice?

Here's what I'm working with...

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