Had an interesting lunch yesterday and learned some new things about CDR data.

I learned that they can GPS your location and rebuild the point in time that your engine blows on track to make sure you don't get warranty. Even to the point of identifying which corner it was. Even if your car does not have any other GPS antennae visible... Yes, we discussed disabling the antennae and all I got was "Good luck finding it".

It was very enlightening to say the least.

I also confirmed that CDR data is available via the OBD port, but not part of the standard OBD signal. Officers (maybe not all) have the capability to download this data. An OBD port lock was suggested (didn't know they existed) to avoid data being collected without your permission (not at scene, unconscious, etc). The idea that the data is yours until subpoena seemed plausible, but I'm not a lawyer and don't get paid enough to act like one.

Just food for thought... believe it or not, don't ask where it came from.