
Please find attached a copy of the cam card.

Hardcore - I am in total agreement with you! I was not expecting anything from the head change. I had this exact conversation with Dwayne Porter when I ordered the heads. Neither one of us thought they would make much of a difference. My SR's flowed awesome but they leaked everywhere. Dwayne's prediction was that the car would not ET any quicker but it may MPH a little quicker. He proved to be correct.

Monty - I will check my play back tach. I made a couple quick hits at the last race and then it went in the trailer.

Lance - I may take you up on that. But I will buy it! I don't have much luck with borrowed stuff

Not to pile on....but I definitely would have had Dwayne do up a cam for you, not Scott Brown...

69 Dart GTS A4 Silver All steel, flat factory hood, 3360race weight
418 BPE factory replacement headed stroker, 565 lift solid cam
Best so far, low 10.30’s 1/4
1.41 best 60 foot
6.56 at 104.17