I finally got the gumption to fire the Charger up and take it for a 10 mile or so drive to get a feel for the new fuel system.

I went ahead and took a video of the fuel pressure gauge at idle and took a bit of a closer look. It appeared to me to jump from 0-10psi at idle so I'm guessing the actual pressure is somewhere around 5psi or so? Here is the video slowed down 8x.

!!Video Here!!

Outside temp is around 75 degrees so not really hot but I drove it to the gas station to fill her up (premium less than $4/gal here now :-)) and drove back home. In the garage I idled it about 7-8 minutes with the A/C on, cut it off for 30 minutes, and then fired back up and idled for 5 more minutes with the A/C on. So far so good...car ran beautifully and acted like it wanted to pull itself down the highway.

Can any of you guys running the factory type vapor separator and return line setup comment on my pressure reading? Does this look 'normal' for my setup?

Thanks guys!