


http://www.magnecor.com/magnecor1/main.htm There is a lot of information there, good or bad I don't know.

I posted a while a question a while back about for opinions on Moroso Ultra 40s verses Firecore's. I hadn't made up my mind yet so I've been doing some reading.

I'd like to thank the OP one more time, as his original post has more technical content than the rest of the posts combined - including mine. Too bad this thread has turned in to a pissing contest - to some degree.

Just because everyone does not agree, it's NOT a pizzing match..

There are good opinions on this post. I've seen nothing wrong here..

I respect Monte probably more than anyone on this board, but his opinion won't change my mind here..

That's what's great about our freedom of speech in this country..

We don't always have to agree..

You can get that in Russia if you like..


I guess "pissing match" wasn't the best explanation I could have used for threads with , IMO, very little real content past the original post.

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