


Haters gonna hate Rich.........I don't really understand it either. People ask for opinions and then want to argue when your opinion doesn't match what they WANT TO HEAR. I personally don't care what anyone does, it's their money and they can spend it as they please on whatever they please, but my only thing is that you have to overlook the "crap" and know that some appreciate what is posted from guys with real world experience who are actually trying the help.

And I don't frequent this board much anymore, but when I do, it quickly becomes VERY apparent why I don't come here as much as I used to. I am definitely not part of the "clique" here and don't care to be. But for some, unless you are part of this little "special group", they don't want to hear anything you have to say. Guess I don't carry on enough inane chatter about nothing to be one of "the boys".......LOL!!!!


I guess we were the only team to use Firecores and NOT LIKE THEM. Monte, you know we are a no-nonsense team and would use anything that worked. They did not work for us. We use MSD wires and we pay for them.

Why didn't you like them and what was the issue with them?We sale and use Firecore wires and have never had an issue.Like others have commented after installing Firecore wires we found that we could increase our fuel delivery with jetting and carb calibrations increasing power.We attribute this to good consistant spark delivery.Most all wires can and do work but we choose Firecore over others for the simple fact that Rich(Sparkey)has a great product that works and his customer service is second to none.We feel it's important to support the manufactures and suppliers that support our sport and Rich steps up everytime.

On 2 different sets the spark plug boots split and caused misfires. The boots were 135's and they split right at the bend on the inside. This was on our SBF combo. Never had this happened with Ultra 40's or MSD wires. Now we use MSD hemi wires as once bit twice shy. I was discussing wires with Jeremy at BAE. There was a well known TAD owner in on the conversation. That guy told me to use any wire but Firecore. He said they had issues that went away when they switched brands. I guess anything can happen with any brand but we won't try them again.