Ventured out about 10 times, got in 50+ passes, one win and one runner-up. Finally replaced my Phoenix slicks at 175 passes, they were still hooking but they were 5 years old! Car started slowing down about .04 each run at my last event. Found 3 loose rockers and the lifters were worn. Time for a freshen-up anyway, but my 20 year-old Mopar 590 cam and lifters are being retired. I blame Vernmotor for this, as I had painted my engine red for this year!

Had some good times hanging out with Prochamp, AAR-B4, Pozest and many others. Thanks to RBDuster for hauling me to the final Mo-Power race and to that lousy Monster race, also thanks for letting me stay in the motor home.

That's my story, where are 69Dart, 440Jim and all the other racers?