Ok, just sent him a text.

Todays prices.
Bring him a rolling / semi drivable car. He can paint one with door jams cut in for $4500-$5000 .
under hood and/or trunk would be more
+ rust issues would add costs.



My point was just a caution that many of us have friends that can do the work as a favor or some of us can even do it ourselves, but those situations aren't good benchmarks when discussing costs to a third party.

Anyhow; awesome that you have someone close that you can trust and does a good job for cheap.

Having friends has it's benefits.
As far as quality, I would call it a really REALLY nice driver quality finish. I'd let him spray anything I have.
Actually,,,,We've been talking about forming something as a team. I do all the mechanical work and he does all the body side stuff.