I like Toyo's. I wish Toyo would take their R888 or RA1 and stamp 200aa on the side. Toyo uses some kind of rubber in their tires that in my experience wears unbelievably. Used to run them on a diesel, 37/1350/17, and they have probably 40K on them and are still not wore out, which is unheard of for a M/T on a diesel pickup. The RA1's on the back of my Dart have been abused relentlessly for 2000 miles and just now have visual wear. This was with a BB/6spd. As far as my car goes I cant honestly give a comparison but the facts are facts. Nittos are supposed to made by Toyo but even if that is the case I would say the Nitto's must be made of the excess rubber they sweep up off the floor after making the Toyo's.

Mopar to the bone!!!