Well still at the Norwalk NMCA race today, but thought I'd put a quick post up for an update.

Headed here Friday with a plan to go for the gusto and run the true street 10.0 class. Last time out the car ran 10.27@132 on 16psi with a 1.53 60ft. Knowing it was gonna need more I put the 20psi tune up in it and headed for the track.

I had a REALLY hard time getting the car to hook. Just kept ripping the tires right at the TB realese. Finally on the 7th pass I had the thing backed all the way down to 7psi and 3200 on the two step.

Finally hooked with a anemic 1.61 60ft, but let me tell you the 20psi almost made up for it down track.


Sooooo close!!!! Really fast in the middle, just shy of 110mph at the 1/8th.

Went back up for another run with a bit more boost on the starting line hoping for a 9.99. Well the driver (me) made a boo boo.... when I staged the car it wasn't quite in far enough so I had to bump the trans brake once to roll it in. Which was fine EXCEPT for the fact that when I did that the boost controller thought I was starting the run. So while I was waiting for the lights to come down, the boost controller had started to ramp the boost in from 8psi to 20psi. So by the time I let go if the button it was at 20psi of boost!

Well the picture pretty much says it all...lol

That was the end of my weekend. No 9 sec time slip for now.

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