
Moparman89, yes you do get a raincheck on the golf course if you have not finished your round and they call you in for lightning. Football games are not cancelled due to weather. Baseball games are often called, and rain checks are given. Concerts are cancelled for illness and other reasons, and they are rescheduled and your tickets are good.

Name me one sport or entertainment venue that cancels an event and does not offer a raincheck or refund.

Now I am satisfied that we have an answer, but still concerned that this is the policy of the MM. What if I tow 300 miles to Norwalk and it rains all weekend? Entry money held for a year?

"What if" you tow 300 miles to Norwalk and have a catastrophic failure in the burnout box before your first hit down the track? In that situation, you're out a heckuva lot more money and get nothing in return. If you "what if" every possibility before deciding to go to a race, you lost before you load up to leave.