

Regardless of what Josh decides to do, I will be at Norwalk in Sept,,even if they have to wheel me in in a wheelborrow.

That would be Chad's job

We will be there to support the event.We know it's Josh's call but like at other venues when the situation came up,the promoter or track mananger would call a meeting of representatives from each respective class designated by the racers and get imput on either to call the race or not.Then everyone would know what action was taken and no one could beitch.At that time a clarification of rain checks or reschudle or what ever can be decided and understood by all.
We had a similar issue at a track that many traveled long distances to attend.The track owner called the race early afternoon,a group of us met with him and explaned that we were willing to wait it out.After a few long hours of entertaining ourselves with golfcart races,bench racing,story telling and gathering for cook outs the weather cleared,the track dried and we resumed racing long into the night.The track made money(no rain checks) and food shacks ran out of food supplies.No racer or spectator left and inspite of the weather we all had a great time.Did I mention the "mud wrestling and wet teeshirt contest"? A pig won the mud wrestling and HemiFred lost the cart race to me and Ron McCelland but Fred did win the wet teeshirt contest beating out Chris Baum AKA Superstockracer