Got some passes in last night. I'm having trouble getting the car from Trans brake release to full boost. Takes over 1 second to get there....might have a boost leak.

Also found out that my boost gauge was off, so what I thought was 8psi last time out was really 10psi. So even I went to 13psi last night, it was only a 3psi change.

That all being ran 10.67@127.71!!!

The most amazing part is that we got it to leave on 8psi @ 4600rpm!

1.58 60ft actually had the front tire 2~ 3 inches up.

Just need to get the boost in quicker after the Trans brake release and the 60ft should come down.

Incredibly enough it went 10.67, 10.69, 10.69 back to back to back. Might even be able to go some rounds today!