



good running I was goning to say if all goes well you should pick up 4-5 tenths. I wonder if you went up on the gear if that would help? You have 2.76's correct? maybe try 2.94's or 3.23's Does anybody make a 3.08 for an 8.75???

The shallow gear loads the turbo harder than a steeper
gear BUT he is giving up low end acceleration.. there
is a happy balance with the gears... I know he put
in what he had laying around... the gear that was
in it when I put the turbo on it was SCARY noisy
with clunks and what not(it was the worst sounding
gear I ever heard that was still rolling)

can't believe goint to a 2.94 or 3.23 would hurt anything... did he switch to a glide???

Its a 727... I dont think the 3.23 would hurt either
but the lesser gears do load the turbo harder which
is what makes the boost

I'd think the 3.23 would build boost at lauch, we aren't talking about a 2600lb car here. I do know my next build will be a twin whisle car... for sure.