


good running I was goning to say if all goes well you should pick up 4-5 tenths. I wonder if you went up on the gear if that would help? You have 2.76's correct? maybe try 2.94's or 3.23's Does anybody make a 3.08 for an 8.75???

The shallow gear loads the turbo harder than a steeper
gear BUT he is giving up low end acceleration.. there
is a happy balance with the gears... I know he put
in what he had laying around... the gear that was
in it when I put the turbo on it was SCARY noisy
with clunks and what not(it was the worst sounding
gear I ever heard that was still rolling)

can't believe goint to a 2.94 or 3.23 would hurt anything... did he switch to a glide???

Its a 727... I dont think the 3.23 would hurt either
but the lesser gears do load the turbo harder which
is what makes the boost