I believe Mitch is spot on in his suggestions. I usually in the past years suggest a member go from stock or whatever to a min 1" bar. The reason being is 10? years ago I was considered an outcast by most members who were afraid of a "harsh" ride going from .88" to .92" bars, little I could say could sway them ,pun intended, later I figured out as Mitch mentions, 1" really is at most now a starter TB. Although I disagree somewhat, in that a change from .88 to 1" I believe makes a big improvement, it still leaves a lot on the table and a bigger jump in most cases should be made. But getting people to make that step is often difficult. Mitch does a much better job of laying out his case.

Reality check, that half the population is smarter then 50% of the people and it's a constantly contested fact.