

My old man had a Buick that would get real floaty in the front end at 100+, adding a GS front spoiler helped at those speeds. But at highway speeds the thing was not needed.

He should have just jacked up the rear about 8". My 70 Skylark saw 110-120mph regularly and it was stable till about there (at which time the $5 tires got a bit too sketchy to continue). Maybe thats the key to high speed stability...??? Enough rake to see the complete rearend from a truck driving behind it...??? Hahahaha

Oh... and another handydandy Buick aero tip: you need a better than stock rad mounting when going over 110mph in a jacked-up Buick... heh heh heh...

Ever notice how today's vehicles, especially trucks have a nose down rake to them? Same reasoning, cheap way to clean up the undercar airflow some.

They say there are no such thing as a stupid question.
They say there is always the exception that proves the rule.
Don't be the exception.