really, that is my question as well. like everything else in this world, some will swear by them and some at them.

i have them on both my engines, and although it has been years and years since i have worked on a holley, so can't make a fair comparison, i think the carter/edelbrocks are insanely simple to work on, once you grasp the concept of the jets, metering rods and springs.

one jet size in a carter is the equivalent of many jet sizes in a holley, and so will make a big difference. the metering rod range will allow you to make roughly a 2 jet size difference, which is a lot. you can change metering rods in about 5 minutes! and, metering rods affect both cruise and WOT, best of both worlds, the only tricky part comes in matching what you need. if you need more WOT and cruise to stay the same, you have to find the proper sized rod.

TMI maybe, you may already know all this, and hate them anyway!

but curious why you do...