


Well I am another one of those .90 racers. It is amazing how easy it is. Just punch in some numbers show up and collect the monies and trophies.

Oh wait I get the double dung fling. I also have one of those "fast" cars so Mr Hemicop must really love me

Believe it or not, I HAVE seen you run in Vegas & am impressed by your car. My gripe about index racing is what's been said for decades----why build a fast car when you get penalized for it? My S/C Altered is a "fast" (your quotes) car & I really don't like sitting for 2,3, or more seconds waiting for my light then have to worry about breaking out or him dynamiting the brakes & possibly causing a wreck. Modern electronics takes the driver out of the equation, to a point, so why would I want to run all of THAT stuff? Yes, my car has a throttle-stop on it (I've disconnected it) but that's it as far as "electrics" go. I've resigned myself to running nostalgia stuff or the occassional grudge type stuff against friends. I just think we (racers) have given up too much to technology.....

there are two types of drag racing, bracket and heads up. being you clearly don't like bracket racing tell us about your heads up car and how it fares against the competition

The Super Classes .90 are IMHO the most competitive challenging racing going on today
