
Well I am another one of those .90 racers. It is amazing how easy it is. Just punch in some numbers show up and collect the monies and trophies.

Oh wait I get the double dung fling. I also have one of those "fast" cars so Mr Hemicop must really love me

Believe it or not, I HAVE seen you run in Vegas & am impressed by your car. My gripe about index racing is what's been said for decades----why build a fast car when you get penalized for it? My S/C Altered is a "fast" (your quotes) car & I really don't like sitting for 2,3, or more seconds waiting for my light then have to worry about breaking out or him dynamiting the brakes & possibly causing a wreck. Modern electronics takes the driver out of the equation, to a point, so why would I want to run all of THAT stuff? Yes, my car has a throttle-stop on it (I've disconnected it) but that's it as far as "electrics" go. I've resigned myself to running nostalgia stuff or the occassional grudge type stuff against friends. I just think we (racers) have given up too much to technology.....